Raspberry Lavender Sazerac

Raspberry Lavender Sazerac


  • 2 oz Rye Whiskey
  • Absinthe wash (Pernod)
  • 1/4 oz Raspberry Crescendo syrup (Precision Syrups) -- in place of sugar cube
  • 3/4 dashes of Peychauds bitters


  1. Add a small amount of Absinthe to your rocks glass and coat (the wash). If Absinthe is present in the bottom of the glass, empty that portion out.
  2. Add a single large ice cube to your rocks glass.
  3. In a stirring glass ice, add remaining ingredients and then add ice so it doesn’t float.
  4. Stir quickly for 5-7 seconds.
  5. Using a Julep or Hawthorne strainer, pour cocktail into rocks glass over cube. Enjoy!

Order our Raspberry Crescendo Syrup and try Raspberry Lavender Sazerac

Download the Recipe Here